Long Term Assignments

Free Choice Book Report:

You will be designing a book jacket including the following information:

1. Front Cover: Design a cover for your book jacket that includes the title, the author's name, and your name.  Include an illustration that relates to your book.

2. Back cover:  On the top half of the back cover, write a paragraph that highlights the most exciting element of your book.  This paragraph should make the reader want to read the book, but should not include your personal opinion.  On the bottom half of the back cover, write a review of the book.  This paragraph will include your opinion and should tell what you liked and/or disliked about the book.

3. Summary: Inside the book jacket on the right hand side, write a summary of the book including the beginning, the middle and the end.  If you chose a nonfiction book, write the highlights of the book and interesting information that you learned from your book.

4. Main Character(s): Inside the book jacket on the left hand side, use creative lettering to write the name of the main characters in your book and include a paragraph that gives a description of the personality traits of each main character in the book.  Include an illustration.


    Biography: If you have read a nonfiction book, wirte a one paragraph biography about       yourself and include a self portrait. 

All papers will be provided in the classroom after break. The summary is either written on regular lined paper or can be typed and printed out at home. 

Due on October 29th, 2012




State Report:

Students should be gathering information for their state mini book: They need to find 3 important historical events in their state and 3 famous people that were BORN in their state.  Here are some helpful suggestions.

State Book information:

Please note:

You may not be able to answer all the questions, but try to gather as much information as possible.

If you answer most of the following questions, you will have wonderful paragraphs!

Important events:

Be sure to include:

What was the event?

When did it take place?

Where exactly in the state did it take place?

Who was involved in the event?

Why was the event important?

Important People:

Who is the person?

Where in the state did they live?

When were they famous?

Why are they famous?

Why is their fame important?

How did they become famous? Or how long did it take to become famous?

Due May 15th, 2013


Book Report Schedule for 2012-2013   (5th grade)


Free Choice                 Oct. 29th


Mystery                      November 28th


Historical Fiction        January 28th


Fantasy                       Feb. 28th


Biography                    April 11th


State Report               May 15th



Biography/Autobiography Book Report



Your next project will be creating a scrapbook of your person's life.  This would be a scrapbook that was created over the course of his/her lifetime.  Include at least five (5) items that your person might have saved that represent milestones in his/her life. A milestone is an important event.  For example, if your person was Benjamin Franklin, you might want to include the key that was attached to the kite he flew during a thunderstorm.  You would include a caption that explained why that was a significant event in his life.   


Your scrapbook must follow these guidelines:

1. The cover is to reflect your person and his/her life. It can be a collage, several pictures, or just a single picture.  Include the person's name on the front.

2. Page one needs to give the background information on your person.  Where he/she grew up, family members, what year they were born.  You must include a picture or a 3-D item on this page.

3. The scrapbook is to have only one milestone per page and only items that relate to that milestone should be included on that page..

4. Each page must include a caption that explains what the item is and why it was saved. In other words, tell why the item was important or why the item reminds your person of the significant event in their life.  Please use first person (pretend you are the person you read about).

5. The items can be 3-D (real items such as ribbons, buttons, keys, bracelets), drawn, or cut from, magazines, etc. Be creative!  NO FOOD which may spoil.

6. The scrapbook can be any size up to 12"X18".  I will have paper available, but you can also use your own.  Make sure there is enough room on each page to explain in detail why the item is important in your person's life.  (That is the most important part!)


Book Talk: You will pretend to be your person and present your scrapbook to the class.  You MAY dress up, but it is NOT mandatory.  You can bring props too.


Due date for report: April 11, 2013







 Persuasive Essay and Speech


1. Select your topic. The purpose of this speech is to convince your audience to feel the same as you. Select a topic about which you feel strongly. Consider why you feel strongly about this cereal. Think about how your audience might feel about this cereal.

2. State your position in a complete sentence. This will be your thesis statement.


3. Decide on your three (or more) reasons.  Make sure you can find facts, examples, and draw from personal experiences to help develop your reasons.

4. Plan your introductory paragraph. Your introduction should have at least three sentences. The first sentence should grab the attention of the audience. The second sentence should be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement is where you tell the audience your opinion. The third sentence should lead into the main body of your speech by stating your reasons. (“There are _____important reasons that __________is _________.”)


5. Expand each reason into a well-developed paragraph. Use facts to support your reasons with evidence. Use examples or a story to interest your audience. Use personal opinion to stimulate your audience with emotion. Use your judgment to decide what works best for each reason.


6. Think of a counter-argument. Could someone argue against your opinion? How can you persuade them to feel the same way that you do about your cereal?


7. After developing at least three to four paragraphs, decide the order in which to present them. You may want to put your most powerful argument first, or save it for last. Use appropriate transition words.


8. Develop your conclusion. Restate your thesis statement. Give a one or two sentence summary of your reasons. End with a “clincher” or a plea for your audience to feel the same as you.


9. Self -edit your paper. Look for ways to make your speech more interesting. Use a thesaurus. Check for grammar problems. Make sure you haven't started every sentence the same way. Use transition words.

10. Write your speech on to note cards. Turn in your final draft before the day of your speech.


11. Practice, practice, practice!! Your speech will be evaluated on organization, persuasiveness, and delivery (eye contact, volume, expression and enunciation). Props are not necessary and should ONLY be used if they add to the clarity of your speech.


12. You will be developing the essay in class, however, the fine tuning of your speech and the practicing will be done at home.


Here is an example:



     Do you wake up in the morning feeling tired and sluggish? Maybe you need a nutritious and delicious new breakfast to blast away that tired feeling. Grape-nuts cereal is a great way to start your day. It is the best cereal for breakfast. There are three reasons that this cereal is so awesome. It has outstanding taste and texture. The nutrition is superb and it is a very unique cereal.

     The taste of Grape-nuts will keep you coming back for more. Although is doesn't have a lot of sugar, the taste is very sweet. Grape-nuts also has a nutty flavor and it's very satisfying. The texture is crunchy. It never gets soggy in milk, so you can take your time and enjoy every sweet, nutty bite.

     The second reason Grape-nuts is the best cereal is its nutrition. It has many nutritional benefits. One of the benefits is that it is high in fiber. Fiber can help lower your risk of getting some types of cancer and it can help lower your risk of heart disease. Most Americans don't get enough fiber in their diet, so adding this cereal will help you get the amount you need. Grape-nuts is also rich in iron. Iron is a mineral. The main job of this mineral is to help carry oxygen in the blood from the lungs to other organs in the body. More oxygen in the body means more energy. Who doesn't want that? Grape-nuts is also low in fat and has no added sugar. A low fat diet has been shown to help prevent weight gain and is good for your heart.

     The last reason to eat Grape-nuts is the uniqueness of this cereal. Most cereal comes in flakes or rounded shapes. Grape-nuts has a unique shape. It looks like small pebbles. It is very crunchy because of this shape. The small shape also makes it a great topping for yogurt. Grape-nuts is unique because the amount of fiber helps keep you full a long time after breakfast. This can be helpful when you have a busy day and don't get much time for a snack.

     Some people might argue that a cereal as healthy and nutritious as Grape-nuts can't possibly be a tasty treat. That is understandable, but let's look at another food that doesn't look appealing or sound good. Kiwi fruit is an example. It is brown and hairy on the outside and doesn't look very appetizing. Once you peel it and bite into it, you discover that is sweet, juicy and delicious. Grape-nuts is sort of like that, brown and ugly on the outside, but sweet and delicious once you start munching on it.

     To sum it up, Grape-nuts is the best cereal for breakfast. It has a delicious, sweet, and nutty flavor. There are many nutritional benefits to eating it. Finally, it is unique and can be eaten as a snack or for breakfast. With all of these great reasons, who wouldn't want to try a bowl of Grape-nuts?